13 Ways to a Productive Day
There is no better feeling than going to bed at night and knowing that you have completely done everything you should have done today. I’m sure it’s a feeling you would like to feel every day, but sometimes, not all days are productive, and sometimes most of them are not. A productive day does not come just like that and it is something that should be prepared for. It is important to remember that we are all different, each of us has a different schedule and so does the time we have to spend for our goals and tasks. Of course, each of us also has different daily tasks. The…
How To Declutter Your Make Up Collection
I recently noticed that every time I access to my makeup drawers, I use the same products over and over again. It is important to note that I do not wear a lot of make up makeup: for a regular day I hardly put on makeup and only when I going out or have an event so I use more products. But because all my drawers are loaded with makeup and there is a mess, there is no time and desire to start piling through the piles to find suitable products to use, so I always find myself returning to the same blush and bronzer. And if I decide to…
The Ultimate 2018 Back To School Guide
Hey everyone, The month of August has begun and this is exactly the time to start planning your return to school, whether it’s school or university. I remember that when I was in school it was my favorite time, a kind of excitement to go and buy all these beautiful things for school. Today we have advanced and you can order almost anything online, so there is no end to the selection. I’ve compiled here by categories the things I liked the most: Notebooks: Water bottles: Lunch boxes: Planners: Pencil cases: Organizations and lists: Stationery: You can use this pin to save this post: Hope…
9 Things You Should Clean Out From Your Closet This Summer
I do not know if you’re like me, but my closet is always full and over stuffed. I make sure to clear out my closet once every six months, but this time I’m not talking about a huge cleaning, but about things you just have to throw out of your closet this summer. Why do that? Let’s be honest, we’re in the middle of summer and I know you didn’t wear most of the items in your summer wardrobe. And I’m not just talking about this summer, I know that there are items that you didn’t wear also in the last summer and the one before. Then you probably will…
How To Survive This summer?
We’re in the middle of summer and it does not look like it’s going to be easier. August is the hottest month of the year and I know how hard it is to get through the summer safely without waiting impatiently for the autumn months. I have prepared here a little guide to how to survive the summer months without suffering, with all kinds of tips that really help me every summer. 1. Do not get dehydrated When most of the day you are in the air conditioner, you do not feel the heat and can easily get dehydrated. Do yourself a favor, avoid headaches, weakness and dizziness and just drink water.…